Poetry TAG: Takin’ it back for #10!

The sound shook his bones
like a cymbal
crashing fast against his soul,
a soul detached from mind and body,
shivering in the dark
and fearing the coming light
he fled to a dingy back alley
and waited. A wind rushed
to meet him at the end
with that terrible sound wound through it

I found this poem fragment at Mariacristina

Please play with us! Pick up the poem and take us on a walk through dreams, or follow our dreamwalk forward and back!

How this works:
It’s a game of poetry tag. Be the first to post TAG in the comments. Then take these lines and add one, in a post on your own blog, along with these instructions. Whoever adds the nineteenth line then takes the poem to Poets Who Blog at poetswhoblog and puts the whole poem in the comment section there. Each person who plays need to also mention what site you were at when you found the poem so that other bloggers can follow the breadcrumbs back to this poem. You can play more than once but not twice in a row

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Poetry TAG: I get line #6!

The sound shook his bones
like a cymbal
crashing fast against his soul,
a soul detached from mind and body,
shivering in the dark
and fearing the coming light

I found this poem fragment at the awesome Fox’s chasing shadows again.

Please play with us! Pick up the poem and take us on a walk through dreams, or follow our dreamwalk forward and back!

How this works:

It’s a game of poetry tag. Be the first to post TAG in the comments. Then take these lines and add one, in a post on your own blog, along with these instructions. Whoever adds the nineteenth line then takes the poem to Poets Who Blog at http://poetswhoblog.blogspot.com/ and puts the whole poem in the comment section there. Each person who plays need to also mention what site you were at when you found the poem so that other bloggers can follow the breadcrumbs back to this poem. You can play more than once but not twice in a row.

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